
Traditional software escrow is a complex, time-consuming, administrative requirement that can not keep up with the way that software is being developed today. The safety of the most recent version of your software can no longer be best guaranteed using these methods.

Faster, better and more affordable.

SourceGuard was developed by software owners and developers to address this problem for their own software and they would like to share this with you. SourceGuard provides you with an efficient, technically sound way of ensuring that you have access to the latest version of your source code at any given moment. Our automated process allows you to enjoy the benefits of traditional escrow but with less cost and administration.

For a more detailed idea of how SourceGuard works, sign up for a free test drive here and feel free to visit our FAQ, page should you have any questions .

In addition to keeping your intellectual property safe, we will soon provide:

  • Code Quality Inspection (automated / consultancy)
  • Build and test results
  • End to end testing
  • SAAS
  • Data Escrow
  • Complete Business Continuity Solutions